Despite the embarrassment of this, I assure curious seekers and learners that this DOES NOT represent the general Arab or Muslim population--just the institutions unfortunately. We have brilliant Arabs and Muslims, but unfortunately they are hardly recognized in the Arab or Muslim world. So, many come to the West and are greatly appreciated for their knowledge and skill. What do they call this? Um...Brain Drain???? This hurts the Arab and Muslim worlds.
Arab Universities Not On List Of 300 Best
The Jordanian daily Al-Dustour has reported that not a single Arab or Muslim university is included among the 300 best universities worldwide.
The paper also reported that none of the Muslim countries, some of which are extremely wealthy, are among the 20 countries that spend the most on research and development.
By contrast, India and China had 1.2 million students graduating last year with science and engineering degrees.
Source: Al-Dustour, Jordan, May 23, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
The people are one thing...
Posted by
8:52 AM
Labels: Arabs, education, knowledge, learn, Muslims, schools, universities
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Stop the wars
I am a humanist. I am against wars, torture, and conflicts. I do believe that all humans have a right to live anywhere they please. I do believe that all humans have a right to fulfill their dreams.
So, stop the wars in Iraq, Gaza, Lebanon, and Afghanistan. People wake up. You and I are human. We have families and dreams. How would you want your child to live? To live in fear? Remember, people are taught to hate and doesn't come naturally.
So, I ask of you, to remember tragedy of humans. My heart is with those who suffer due to oppression and occupation.
Posted by
8:14 PM
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Food...An Icebreaker...
I just thought of something the other day. If you ever need to work with new people, a good way to break the ice is to bring them ethnic food. I have done that recently. It is a good method for them to see and taste your food. It allows that person to think, "interesting, their food is pretty good."
Food, especially that is good, tends to change a person's point of view of other cultures. I gave one of my non Arab coworkers some Baklawa. They loved it. This Baklawa was from Shatilla, a place in Michigan. I am not promoting this in any way. I don't even live in Michigan, but somewhere else in the U.S. :) My coworker was surprised. I said, why? Dearborn is the Middle East capital of USA. When they get a chance, my coworker is planning to visit Dearborn.
A little bit about myself...I live no where near Arabs, although I am one. I am surrounded by mostly non Arab and non Muslim people. Yes, my family and I have to be excellent role models. However, we do our best to help improve Muslims and Arabs reputation.
Posted by
7:44 PM
Labels: Arabs, baklawa, food, Muslims, relations, relationships
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Computer troubles
Hi everyone,
I know that I had written that I will try to blog more often, believe it or not I had computer troubles...AGH. This is the first time since my last post that I am able to get on a computer. So please be patient as I try to come up with other solutions, so that I could do my best to update my blog.
The Humanist
Posted by
1:26 PM
Labels: computer troubles