Monday, October 1, 2007

I should introduce myself...

Dear Reader,

Humanist invited me to blog on in into Things to know about Muslims and Arabs.

Honestly, it sounded really intimidating at first. Firstly, I am not Arab, and have not even known 10 Arab people in my twenty something years of life. At the same time though, I am pro the embelishment of stereotypes. However, the more I entertained the idea of providing fair light to my Arab brothers and sisters, who are mostly also my brothers and sisters of faith, I decided that blogging here would expand my horizon and allow me to learn new things everyday.

Growing up as a Muslim with a Malay father, Chinese mother, with Indian "godparents" in Western Europe, attending a British School, I know more than enough I know about racism and discrimination to last me four and a half lifetimes.

I am glad you are reading this blog and would like to ask you to support this campaign to give Muslims and Arabs alike a rightful representation that they deserve, as opposed to general mainstream media.

As I blog though, I will make mistakes, so please do not hesitate to correct me, as I am also here to learn about different cultural upbringing and Muslims around the world.

Humanist has done a good job in setting this blog up and rolling out ideas already, masha'Allah, may we all partake in making it work for the sake of Allah.

All truth and beauty come from Allah and any mistakes are mine.


Anonymous said...

Welcome aboard Maria. I was so glad to see this blog is back up again. It is important to inform readers about Muslims and Arabs.

Maria said...

Assalamu'Alaykum Anonymous,
Thank you for the comment. It is nice to meet a reader. You can help promote this blog to your non-Muslim friends / family. Insha'Allah that would benefit us and hopefully, Muslims around the world.