Friday, October 19, 2007

Just Because...

Today over coffee, friends told me that they hadn't called me during Ramadan because they "didn't want to bother" me. I asked what do they mean?

They said "Because it was your holy month, Ramadan. We wanted to wait." I explained to them that if they had called, they wouldn't be disturbing me or my family. We don't go into our own little world during this time.

Yes, I know there are prayers and reflections, but that is not 24 hours per day, and seven days per week. We still function in this world.

That is what I had explained to my friends, but in a nice tone. In my opinion, no question or thought is too stupid unless people don't really want to learn.

So, my dear Arab and Muslim friends, I strongly encourage you to be open with your non-Arab or non-Muslim friends, so that they may learn from you on how Arabs and Muslims really are.

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