Monday, December 3, 2007

Would you like a rainbow?

I read this on a Malay blog and I found it brilliant. I had to share it with you (translated by yours truly). Will paste the link when I find it.

"Sometimes Allah hides the sun. He brings thunder and lightning embalmed in darkness. That is when we cry in fear, and ask, where has the light disappeared to? Where is the sunshine?"

It turns out "Allah has a plan. He wanted to give us a gift - a rainbow."

"Love will not fade away if there are memories. A broken heart will not mend itself if peace is not found. A soul that strays can return if there is hope. We will recover from old scars if there is imaan in the wound."

Does this strike a chord with you?

I think every once and again we fall into uncertainty, something that was unplanned, unexpected - totally out of the blue and way beyond your comprehension. Will you survive? How will you manage? It is not possible... it cannot be possible!

La illaha illallah means so much more than "there is no god except for Allah." You can say this over and over again, throughout your prayers, but in truth, practicing it is far more difficult. Can you possibly believe in the kalimah while telling yourself that "this is not possible!"?

It has to be possible if Allah said "be!" Kun fa ya kun. It is possible, for if Allah says it will happen, it definitely will.

So if you are in difficulty now, or in darkness and in blindness. If you are lost or have lost hope, feel discourage or scared, just remember La illaha illallah.

Insha'Allah a rainbow will follow.

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