Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Kids Still Teach Us

Today, I took my four-year-old son to the park to play. There another four-year-old child came up to him and said that she would play with him. They played Tag. They played Hide-N-Seek. They played Follow the Leader. They played like they had known each other for ages. As I was watching them play, I looked over to see the child's mother standing far away from us.

As I observed the children playing, I realized that they did not discriminate between each other. So what if my child had a "different" name than his park buddy. She didn't care. My son even corrected her on how to pronounce his name. She tried and came close until he accepted her pronunciation.

These children have no clue about diversity, race, ethnicity. I found it interesting. Why is it harder for adults to make friends with people other than their own culture? I think we have a lot to learn by watching how children interact with each other.

By observing these innocent children playing, I realized that hatred and discrimination are learned traits.

So, I dare you my friend, to go make friends with other people than your own culture, race and religion. Do it.

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