Something I love about Islam.
After a month's fast and worship worship worship... we finally skip along happily to the Masjid for the congregation we have all been waiting for. Though, during Prophet Muhammad's (SAW) time, he would hold the prayer in the outdoors, many Muslim communities pray within the compounds of the MAsjid or Islamic centre.
That's fine, as long as your heart is there. I mean, baring your soul to Allah for a sturdy month is enough to bring tears to your eyes and swell up your heart. Not only did your body undergo changes (for the better), you are also reminded of so many less fortunate Muslims who may not even be able to perform 'Eid prayers without the echoes of gun fire. May we all pray for them.
But like I said, something I so love about Islam is about how, in the end, it comes down to the ummah.... building a strong ummah.
Turns out your fasting, dzikr, Tarawih, Qur'an-reading and charity that you had done during the month is to be celebrated by all of whom you meet during the 'Eid prayer. "Taqabbal Allahu minnaa wa minkum," you say to each other, imploring that Allah accepts all good deeds from you and your comrad in faith.
There is no merriment in celebration unless it is to please Allah. There are no cheers unless a good deed is done. There is no happiness unless a fellow brother or sister is standing next to you in line for prayer.
So to you My Dear Reader, since we are on the home-stretch, Taqabbal Allahu minnaa wa minkum, I hope this Ramadhan was the most meaningful Ramadhan you had ever had!
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